Natasha Feroze
Campaign Coordinator
Her Story
As MEWSo’s Campaign Coordinator, Natasha is a postgraduate fresh from completing a Masters Degree in Broadcast Journalism, but she is no stranger to campaigning for the issues she feels truly passionate about.
The Feminist Society
While still at school her passion for women’s rights grew after she asked to join the Boys Club and was told, no! In retaliation she went out and started the school’s first Feminist Society.
“It is still going strong now and I am so very proud of it,” she says. “It was really a big deal for me and I decided then that I would always fight for women’s rights and I’ve been trying to weave it into everything I do ever since.”
Her campaigning credentials found another outlet while studying Politics and International Relations at Bristol University when she explored another passion of hers - prison reform. She took time out to work in Copenhagen at a high-end fashion start-up company employing female prisoners in Peru and Thailand. It was there that she learned how prison labour could be better reformed to work ethically for both prisoners and businesses. Later on, she gained first-hand experience of the world of politics and lobbying while interning in Brussels for a British MEP, just as the UK prepared to leave the European Union.
The Virginity Industry
Back in the UK, Natasha decided to complete her Broadcast Masters Degree by writing, producing and presenting a campaigning documentary against virginity tests and hymenoplastic (virgin repair or hymen repair) surgery - two of MEWSo’s major campaigns. It was during her research that she found and interviewed Halaleh Taheri, who later invited her to become MEWSo's Campaign Coordinator.
If you would like to know more about MEWSo's campaigns, email Natasha at: