The Violent Far Right Must Be Stopped
On Sunday 4th August, Far-Right rioters showed another grim face of our society by attacking refugees accommodated in a hotel in Rotherham. Their violent actions were outrageous and utterly shocking.
It hasn’t been just a single riot this past week. All over the place the behaviour of racist rioters is creating an atmosphere that is incredibly scary and threatening for everyone around, but particularly for refugees and ethnic minorities.
After the death of three young girls at a dance class in Southport, the Far-Right has used this as an excuse to fuel discrimination and racism against refugees, migrants and ethnic minorities. They've used misinformation and downright lies to stir up people’s emotions to protest against refugees and protest against migrants - protests that have quickly turned into riots.
At MEWSo, we would like to send our deepest condolences to the families of the children killed. It is devastating news for all of us. It’s also devastating that this tragic event is being used to punish entire communities, all refugees, and ethnic minorities as if they, we, are all to blame.
The police are investigating this brutal event and an arrest has been made. However, this has not stopped the Far-Right from continuing their racist and criminal behaviour.
Fortunately, most people around the country are making a stand, siding with refugees, asylum seekers, ethnic minorities in their communities and letting the Far-Right know that they do not speak for everyone, that they do not speak for them. And, protests against these Far-Rights thugs are gaining momentum.
All across the world Far-Right groups are pushing hard into the lives of hardworking, peaceful people. The ideas of fascism, once defeated in the Second World War, are once again spreading fast across Britain, Europe and America. So, it’s crucial that all human rights activists, movements, charities and organisations unite to stop this cruelty against some of the most vulnerable and traumatised people in the world, who have already run from civil wars, conflicts and natural disasters. International conventions on human rights have for years stipulated that all states are duty bound to offer refugees and asylum seekers refuge and security. They deserve their dignity and to be treated with respect. Human rights are universal.
The Far-Right's attempts to turn neighbour against neighbour is not accepted by the vast majority of peace-loving people. They, their abuses and their criminal activity must be stopped. Free speech is not an excuse to intimidate, incite violence, threaten or worse!
We demand that Government and the police properly protect the hotels, B&Bs, centres and accommodations refugees have been placed in. It’s their duty to make sure all those living in the UK, waiting for the Home Office to respond, are safe and able to live with dignity. It’s unacceptable to see any more criminal attacks from the Far-Right.
We, at MEWSo, strongly condemn the racism, brutality and criminality perpetrated against refugees and ethnic minorities. All those opposed to such activities should unite in our cities and on our streets to stop such hateful behaviour in our communities and ensure safe environments and services of support for those under attack.
Halaleh Taheri
Founder & Executive Director of MEWSo
Migrant Coalition
A letter, drafted by Haringey Migrant Support Centre and the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, and signed by over 100 front-line organisations across the UK that deal with asylum seekers, migrants, different faiths and human rights issues, has been sent to the Government.
It lists five basic recommendations to urgently change the course that created the wave of far-right violence and the horrifying impact it has had on communities.