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MEWSo, the Middle Eastern Women & Society organisation,  

fighting for women's rights at home and abroad


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  • Around the world women's rights are being attacked. What happens in the ancestral homelands of many British citizens often finds its way into the diaspora populations living here in Britain.

  • The killing of Mahsa Jina Amini, by Iran's Morality Police last September, lit the torch for millions to protest, in Iran, the UK and around the world, in defence of women's rights.* (see below)

  • Cultural centres and education establishments in London, linked to despotic regimes such as the Islamic State of Iran, spread their doctrine to young people, and traditional and conservative populations, and promote policies and values that subjugate women, rob us of our human rights, and would have us live as if back in the Middle Ages.

  • Their doctrines are so against the many freedoms, equal rights and humane values so hard fought for over many centuries, that your children, your family and your communities may be at risk!

  • That is why we are protesting against the abuse of women and girls in Iran; sending a message of hope to Iran's freedom protesters; and helping to prevent the same abuse of women and girls taking place here in the UK. 

  • Please see below all the things you can do to show your support. Thank you.



Strongly condemns the Iranian Regime for forcing women and girls to wear the hijab or veil

Strongly condemns Iran’s “Morality Police” for its

abuse and oppression of women and girls

Strongly condemns the Regime’s systematic abuse, kidnap, torture and murder of peaceful protesters, including women and girls

Demands the immediate release of imprisoned protesters and prisoners of conscience

Strongly condemns the Regime’s system of “fixed” trials and use of the death penalty against peaceful protesters, including women and girls

Closes all “cultural” centres & education establishments in Britain connected to the Iranian Regime for radicalising young people with Iranian and Middle Eastern heritage. **

(see below)

Introduces a general visa ban on anyone connected to the Iranian Regime

Bans, sanctions or deports all individuals connected to these cultural centres & education establishments whose influence is radicalising our young people

Strongly condemns all those in Iran responsible for heinous crimes against humanity, and actively works towards putting these people on trial

Seeks international support to place the Iranian Regime’s state police on Interpol’s Terrorist List

Strongly condemns the Regime’s unjustified attacks on the Kurdistan and Baluchestan regions in its borders

Maintains sanctions against Iran and halts any negotiations to reduce them

Closes the Iranian embassy and throws out their ambassador, diplomats and supporting staff

* Mahsa Jina Amini was killed by the Islamic State of Iran's morality police when she was arrested for not wearing her hijab properly. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Iranian citizens rose up in protest, joined by millions of women, and men, around the world. Women threw off their veils and cut their hair in Women, Life Freedom demonstrations.

** Cultural centres and education establishments in London include: the World AhlulBayt Islamic Mission in Britain (AIM), the Islamic Centre of England (ICE), the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) and Innovative Minds (InMinds)


Add your name and email address in support of our statement

Join our demonstration on the anniversary of the death of Mahsa Jina Amini in TRAFALGAR SQUARE, SATURDAY 16 SEPTEMBER, 2-6pm.

DONATE to help Iranian refugees stuck in squalid living conditions in London and to support our campaign to Raise More Voices.


For more information about MEWSo, our history, our successes fighting for women's rights, our services supporting vulnerable women, and other campaigns, visit: 

دفتر کار

St Mary's Neighbourhood Centre,

St Mary's Church,

Upper Street, Islington,

London N1 2TX

Church Street Neighbourhood Centre,

Cherwell House,

Penfold Street,


London NW8 8PT

موسسه خیریه ثبت شده : 1150129


اگر به کمک ما نیاز دارید ، یا کسی را می شناسید که به کمک ما نیاز دارد:د:


                                                                                           07780 983 152



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